Sorry… DJ performances cancelled this summer
The DJ on Beach 1 last night was popular, but, unfortunately, despite our best efforts to have campers “dance in place” at their campsites, a large group of campers gathered directly in front of his speakers to dance – generally ignoring social distancing or the use of face masks. It appeared to my medical eye as a potential COVID risk area.
My Hippocratic Oath comes, in part, down from the Greek gods to Galen, a famous Greek physician, and says, “First, do no harm.” It appeared last night that by having the DJ, we were allowing a potentially harmful situation to occur. So, I’ve made the tough decision to cancel the DJ for the rest of the summer.
For those of you who were planning to come to Fiddlehead primarily because of the music, you may receive a full refund if you cancel more that 72 hours prior to the next 2 weekends. After that, the 2-week limit on cancellations will resume. Sorry for the inconvenience, but keeping our campers and staff safe is most important.
On a related note, high-volume, private sound systems ARE NOT ALLOWED at Fiddlehead. Some of your neighbors appreciate the music they provide, but some do not – and they have rights too. So, 1) do not bring such sound equipment to Fiddlehead; 2) if used here, it will be subject to temporary confiscation; 3) you may be asked to leave; 4) please keep your music volume inside your campsite space.
Thank you.